Advanced Dental Treatment
Advanced interventions and surgical dental procedures for more complex dental and oral health conditions.
Some dental and oral health conditions will require more advanced intervention and surgical treatment to get your mouth and smile back in good condition. Our dental surgeons are experienced in all the advanced surgeries outlined on this page. We aim to put your mind at ease, make any procedure as relaxed and comfortable as possible, and offer the highest standard of aftercare guidance.
Surgical Treatment
Tooth extraction is perhaps the most common surgical dental treatment. This is not always a sign of decay or damage. Sometimes we need to remove a tooth to make room in your mouth for a brace to be fitted, for other teeth to grow healthily, or to remove a wisdom tooth that’s causing persistent pain or infection.
Following a routine check-up and oral examination, your dentist may recommend a biopsy to remove oral tissue for further examination. This and most other surgical dental treatments, including tooth implants and apicectomy, are carried out under local anaesthetic in the calming environment of our surgery. Where more extensive surgery is required, your dentist might refer you for treatment at your local hospital.
Periodontal Gum Disease
Inflamed gums caused by gingivitis may develop into periodontal gum disease. There are a few different types of periodontal gum disease and they all affect the tissues that support the teeth. If left untreated, your teeth can become loose and fall out.
The best way to prevent all forms of gum disease is to brush and floss regularly to remove the build up of plaque. This will keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Periodontal disease cannot be cured, but it can be controlled with a treatment called root planing to remove bacteria from the roots of your teeth.
Complex Root Canal Treatment
Getting root canal treatment as soon as you need it is essential to save the infected tooth. Despite your dentist’s best efforts to clean and seal the tooth, there is a chance of recurrence or reinfection. Undetected root canals or cracks, or defective restoration will likely require further treatment.
Apicectomy or root-end resection is a common endodontic procedure to relieve infection and inflammation, and attempt to save the tooth.
As you might expect, complex root canal surgery appointments are often longer than regular root canal treatment and usually take two or more visits. Your dentist will talk you through what to expect when discussing potential treatment.
Advanced Bridgework
Bridges are used to bridge the gap created by a missing tooth. They are only possible if you have strong teeth on either side of the gap and good bone support in your jaw.
A bridge consists of a false tooth connected by two crowns on the teeth either side of the gap. Once fixed in place a bridge is permanent. Larger bridges involving several missing teeth are also possible. Proper cleaning and care of your bridge is essential to maintain good oral health. Your dentist will advise on this as part of your aftercare plan.
Partial Dentures
A partial denture is a plate with false teeth on it which clips in place in the mouth. A non-permanent solution to replace missing teeth, they are carefully designed to slot in alongside your remaining teeth.
Partial dentures are sometimes used as a temporary measure after having a tooth extracted in preparation for a bridge. They are not the best option if you are conscious of your appearance as, depending on its position, the partial denture clips may show when you smile or open your mouth.
Partial dentures can be made of plastic or metal. Your dentist will discuss the options and recommend the best solution for your individual situation.